“Love for humanity what you love for yourself” – Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
MCRC 2023 Program Outcomes
provided for Emergency Rental Assistance
families provided Emergency Non-Perishable Food, and 6,000+ individual hot meals served
medical examinations and 350+ mental health counseling appointments provide by the Community Health Clinic
clients provided with Legal Consultation
beds provided for Women’s Transitional Housing
The MCRC Clinic will be providing telehealth services (free of charge) for those in need of healthcare services. We will be providing primary care for adults and children, outpatient neurology, endocrinology, and emotional wellness services. Please note that we do not provide lab or radiology services at this time.
Scheduling an appointment is easy: please register here and you will receive a confirmation email from us with a telehealth link embedded.
For COVID-19 related inquiries, please call your Primary Care Physician or the King County Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 call center between 8 AM to 7 PM at 206-477-3977. For more information about Community Clinic, please visit here. If you are facing a medical emergency, please call 911.
What We Do
– Primary Care for Families
– Telehealth
– Family Counseling
– Emotional Wellness
– Medical Referrals
– Women’s Transitional Housing
– Emergency Rental Assistance (Eviction Prevention)
– Short Term Emergency Hotel Stays
– Intake and Case Management
– Hot Meals
– Food/Gas Cards
– Non-perishable Food
– Hot Holiday Meal Program
– Ramadan Food Delivery Program
– Furniture Warehouse
– Adopt a Family Program
– Senior Socialization and Wellness Program
– Peer Support
– Skills Building
– Legal Referrals
– Immigration Law
– Employment Law
– Family Law
– Business Contracts
– Local Natural Disaster Response
– Holiday meals (Ramadan, Thanksgiving, Christmas)
– Ramadan food programs
Get Help
All MCRC services are available, without discrimination, for all in need. MCRC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.
The MCRC Clinic will be providing telehealth services (free of charge) for those in need of healthcare services. We will be providing primary care for adults and children, outpatient neurology, endocrinology, and emotional wellness services.
Scheduling an appointment is easy: please register here and you will receive a confirmation email from us with a telehealth link embedded.
The free medical clinic is catered to meet the needs of those who are unable to afford the cost of healthcare premiums and copays and those individuals who are still without access to affordable healthcare.
The MCRC Clinic is a mosque-based free clinic initiated in 2016 under the Washington Healthcare Access Alliance. It is completely volunteer-operated.
While we are fully operating via telehealth for the duration of 2022, we plan to reopen in person in early 2023. If you need in-person services, please consult a list of free clinics here.
For COVID-19-related inquiries, please call your Primary Care Physician or the King County Department of Public Health’s COVID-19 call center between 8 AM to 7 PM at 206-477-3977. Staff is available on weekdays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed on holidays). If you are facing a medical emergency, please call 911.
For more information on the MAPS-MCRC Community Clinic or contact information, please visit here.
Family relations are an essential building block of society, and Islamic teachings emphasize the importance of healthy, loving, nurturing and respectful relationships – especially within the family. Unfortunately, there are times when we fall short of these teachings. For those facing family conflicts or issues (whether with spouses, children, parents, siblings, etc.), or those suffering individual religious problems (crisis of faith, overcoming additions, etc.), MAPS offers confidential family and counseling services.
For more information, please visit here.
MCRC has a needs-based assessment process that determines the distribution of funds and services. It does not use an impersonal formula-based assistance qualification process.
- Eviction Prevention: Preventing homelessness costs at least five times less than helping a family regain stable housing after it is lost. If a family has an eviction notice, MCRC can help provide a portion of the funds needed to prevent eviction.
- Emergency Utility Assistance: Limited funds are available based on funding provided by specific cities to assist with utility assistance to clients residing in those cities.
- Refugee Rental Assistance Program: Limited funds are available to provide newly arriving refugees with short-term rental assistance.
- Emergency Motel Stay: Up to 3 nights can be provided at local motels in case of emergencies while long term housing options can be arranged. Eligibility to this program is determined on a case-by-case basis by our case manager.
All requests for assistance go through common intake and go through rigorous validation and screening by our case management team. Only upon completion of the screening and validation is a recommendation made as to the whether the assistance request is to be fulfilled and the extent to which it is fulfilled.
Our intake process provides us information on the client’s family income, # of individuals in household, specific family/situation circumstances, demographic information and other essential information needed to qualify and determine the level of assistance that is needed.
In addition, we also ask if the client requesting assistance has already received assistance from any other agency(ies). This data is used to assess the level of need, the type of assistance and the amount of assistance that MCRC can provide to the client. We empower our case manager to make decisions on the amount of assistance disbursed up to $500. Anything over that is reviewed and needs to be approved by the MCRC Executive Director.
For financial payments made for emergency utility service payment or homelessness prevention, we try to limit the number of times we assist the client. There is no pre-determined number. Our decisions are driven case by case based on the specific circumstances of the client. We feel that that having a pre-determined restriction on the number of times we assist a client or the $ value of the assistance we provide will not allow us to provide the level of assistance a client may need to get back on their feet.
Documentation Needed
MCRC only requires minimal documentation to validate and process financial assistance requests. Documentation needed to apply for financial assistance include the following:
- Proof of Identity
- Eviction notice
- Lease agreement
- Validation of income
- Any other applicable documentation
The King County HMIS system is also used to verify sources of previous assistance that the individual/family may have already received from other agencies.
Approvals & Payments
All approved financial assistance requests are processed for payment and checks are cut each Friday. In an extremely urgent situation when eviction is imminent, checks can be cut during the week on an exception basis.
As a policy, MCRC does not make payments to individuals. All approved financial assistance payments are made directly to the rental agency or landlord.
MCRC deals with several requests for financial assistance each week and the demand is constantly increasing. While we do our best, we cannot fulfill every single request for financial assistance or fulfill the request completely.
If the client has a need that cannot be fulfilled by MCRC or can only be fulfilled partially, our case manager refers the client to other agencies who may be able to help the client. Our case managers don’t just provide the name and contact information of the agencies that we refer a client to but they also take the time to call the agency and introduce the client to them and help the client with any related paperwork.
Each of the mosques in our community have a Zakat/Sadaqqa fund set aside to help in such cases.
MCRC can facilitate connections with these organizations and help those seeking such assistance to comply with paperwork or documentation requirements of such organizations.
It is only dire circumstances – when families are facing eviction or utility shut off – when all other resources are unable to help, that MCRC as a resource of last resort – steps in to help pay the rent and utilities for families needing assistance.
Transitional Housing for Single Women is one of the key service programs of MCRC.
Lack of affordable housing has exacerbated the issue of homelessness in the Greater Seattle area. The problem of homelessness is more acute among vulnerable demographics such as single women who are unable to find affordable and safe transitional housing while they get back on their feet. The Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) has been providing transitional housing options that are socially and culturally appropriate for single women in the Greater Seattle area for several years now.
We lease and operate 6 transitional housing units in the Greater Seattle area: 4 in Bellevue, 1 in Renton and 1 in Seattle.
The comprehensiveness of our services and the network of our partner relationships ensures that our clients in our transitional housing programs do not simply get a place to stay but also get access to adjacent services such as counseling, legal services, medical and dental clinics, food pantry, vocational training and mentoring to get them to be self-sufficient as quickly as possible.
MCRC partners with community-based organizations (Muslim & non-Muslim), city & local services, assistance providers to address issues of hunger and homelessness in our community.
MCRC serves hundreds of hot meals each month at various shelters and tent city locations. Additionally we organize food drives and collect non-perishable food items to local food banks.
Volunteers making and distributing brown bag lunches for the homeless. We distribute holiday meals for homeless singles and families (including, in 2021, 1,200+ Thanksgiving meals and 850+ Christmas holiday meals).
During Ramadan each year we preparing care boxes containing food staples (rice, flour, sugar, oil, lentils, etc.) for one month for a family of five, and delivering to refugee families as well as families in low-income housing. In 2022 we provided over 2,500+ food boxes.
We also provide weekend meals for students in local school districts. We work in a coordinated manner with other organizations to seek solutions and provide care for people struggling to find a place to live or food to eat.
Partnership established with refugee resettlement agencies as the go-to source for housing for incoming refugees.
• Ongoing financial support (rent, utilities, food, etc.) for several refugee families
Household Assistance
• Leased storage space actively being used by Muslim and non-Muslim organizations to store & distribute household items to refugee families in need
• Weekly collection and distribution of household items to several local families
• Periodic clothing drives
We provide services to bring elders in our community together in social settings so that they can have conversations and enjoy leisure activities together with others in their peer group.
Our elder care services are geared to alleviate the loneliness and the lack of companionship that our respected elder feel in this society.
Through conversations, coordinated group activities and social get togethers we try to bring joy into the lives of our elders and get them to connect/make friends with other elders in the community.
MCRC offers a Free Legal Clinic bi-monthly (online only). All are welcome!
At the clinic, you will have an opportunity to receive a 30-minute consultation with a legal expert.
Please note you need to have a valid e-mail address as we send confirmation of the appointment to that e-mail address. Please bring any relevant documents with you to your appointment.
As we have moved to online consultation, please make sure to select the services you would like to get help on and dates when you want to schedule it. You need to be connected to internet and have either laptop or a Smart Mobile device or Tablet in order to join the meeting. If you are on mobile/tablet you have to download Microsoft Teams Client to join the meeting. On laptop (Windows or Mac) you can use the Microsoft Edge Chromium or Chrome browser to join the call. On joining the meeting you will be put in the lobby till such time you are allowed into the meeting.
During local emergencies we mobilize our team of volunteers to help those impacted by the calamity.
Who We Are
The MAPS Muslim Community Resource Center is a social and humanitarian service organization of MAPS that is dedicated to helping the less fortunate in the Pacific Northwest community. We partner with other nonprofits (Muslim & non-Muslim), city and local services, assistance providers to serve those in need.
MCRC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.

History of MCRC
The Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) was constituted in 2009 as a humanitarian platform to bring the Muslim community in the Greater Seattle together to serve individuals in need. Three primary motivational drivers inspired our founder, Nickhath Sheriff, to start MCRC:
- Increasing Muslim visibility in the Greater Seattle area by working together to give back to the extended community. In her involvement with other non-profit organizations, such as the American Red Cross, Nickhath saw how an organized and coordinated effort brought both sustainable and successful outcomes.
- To counter the incorrect and negative perceptions of American Muslims in the media by highlighting their charitable good work and generosity. Nickhath deliberately chose to include “Muslim” in the organization’s name to stress that it was followers of Islam that were providing the service.
- To increase the scope and reach of aid to more communities by building bridges of collaboration and partnerships with other humanitarian service organizations. While many local agencies provided humanitarian services, many in the Muslim community did not know how to reach out and seek help. Rather than reinventing and duplicating services, MCRC intended to leverage existing resources and partner with service providers to amplify the community’s impact.
After conducting a survey, a small team began curating local resources that met the community’s needs. Nickhath, her family and a core group of volunteers, carefully established MCRC, an independent 501c(3) organization. The organization became a unifying platform for doing good, bringing people from various mosques across the Puget Sound to serve those in need— regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity.
MCRC began as a virtual resource center, leveraging space in local mosques, community centers, and coffee shops to meet with clients and provide services. Where there were service gaps, MCRC stepped in to offer service coordination and fulfillment of any unmet needs. The organization was funded exclusively through individual donations from the Muslim community. And in the years that followed, MCRC quickly became the go-to Muslim humanitarian organization in the Puget Sound area with over 200+ volunteers from across the Puget Sound area.
In 2016, MCRC became the social and humanitarian arm of the Muslim Association of Puget Sound (MAPS), the largest mosque in WA State, and started functioning as MAPS-MCRC. Joining MAPS allowed MCRC to continue to focus on its mission to serve people in need while leveraging MAPS’ infrastructure to meet the increasing administrative and financial accounting aspects of providing its services.
MCRC was founded on the principles of responsiveness, compassion, and individual connections with the people that it serves. From the beginning, our goal has been to embody our prophetic traditions of providing service and support to our communities.
The passion and dedication of its volunteers are what make MCRC unique. They will continue to be a guiding force of MAPS-MCRC through the years to come.
Meet The Team

Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff
Founder and CEO
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community. She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master’s Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community.She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master's Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
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Khizer Sheriff
Co-Founder and Executive Director
He co-founded MCRC along with his wife Nickhath Sheriff which has since merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. MCRC is the service arm of MAPS to serve the local community. He is actively involved in all its activities.
Khizer Sheriff, a senior Executive with 30+ years of experience in the Technology Industry, currently is a Director at VMware. Along with his professional commitments, Khizer is passionate about community service and serving humanity.
He co-founded MCRC along with his wife Nickhath Sheriff which has since merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. MCRC is the service arm of MAPS to serve the local community. He is actively involved in all its activities. Khizer Sheriff, a senior Executive with 30+ years of experience in the Technology Industry, currently is a Director at VMware. Along with his professional commitments, Khizer is passionate about community service and serving humanity.
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Mustafa Haji
Senior Case Manager
Mustafa Haji is a full-time case manager for MCRC. He brings 8 years+ experience as a social worker. He worked previously with Muslim Housing Services, a non-profit that provides housing services for the needy . His exceptional counseling skills and compassionate professionalism enables him to assist people from different socio-economic backgrounds and across a range of age groups with kindness and wisdom.
He handles all client intake including providing information and referrals at the MAPS MCRC office.
Mustafa Haji is a full-time case manager for MCRC. He brings 8 years+ experience as a social worker. He worked previously with Muslim Housing Services, a non-profit that provides housing services for the needy . His exceptional counseling skills and compassionate professionalism enables him to assist people from different socio-economic backgrounds and across a range of age groups with kindness and wisdom. He handles all client intake including providing information and referrals at the MAPS MCRC office.
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Lutfullah Mussadiq
Case Manager
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community. She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master’s Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community.She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master's Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
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Aisha Abdella
Case Manager
He co-founded MCRC along with his wife Nickhath Sheriff which has since merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. MCRC is the service arm of MAPS to serve the local community. He is actively involved in all its activities.
Khizer Sheriff, a senior Executive with 30+ years of experience in the Technology Industry, currently is a Director at VMware. Along with his professional commitments, Khizer is passionate about community service and serving humanity.
He co-founded MCRC along with his wife Nickhath Sheriff which has since merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. MCRC is the service arm of MAPS to serve the local community. He is actively involved in all its activities. Khizer Sheriff, a senior Executive with 30+ years of experience in the Technology Industry, currently is a Director at VMware. Along with his professional commitments, Khizer is passionate about community service and serving humanity.
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Erum Khwaja
Case Manager
Mustafa Haji is a full-time case manager for MCRC. He brings 8 years+ experience as a social worker. He worked previously with Muslim Housing Services, a non-profit that provides housing services for the needy . His exceptional counseling skills and compassionate professionalism enables him to assist people from different socio-economic backgrounds and across a range of age groups with kindness and wisdom.
He handles all client intake including providing information and referrals at the MAPS MCRC office.
Mustafa Haji is a full-time case manager for MCRC. He brings 8 years+ experience as a social worker. He worked previously with Muslim Housing Services, a non-profit that provides housing services for the needy . His exceptional counseling skills and compassionate professionalism enables him to assist people from different socio-economic backgrounds and across a range of age groups with kindness and wisdom. He handles all client intake including providing information and referrals at the MAPS MCRC office.
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Hafsa Sathar
MCRC School Liason
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community. She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master’s Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community.She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master's Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
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Pashmeena Chawro
Hot Meals Program Director
He co-founded MCRC along with his wife Nickhath Sheriff which has since merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. MCRC is the service arm of MAPS to serve the local community. He is actively involved in all its activities.
Khizer Sheriff, a senior Executive with 30+ years of experience in the Technology Industry, currently is a Director at VMware. Along with his professional commitments, Khizer is passionate about community service and serving humanity.
He co-founded MCRC along with his wife Nickhath Sheriff which has since merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. MCRC is the service arm of MAPS to serve the local community. He is actively involved in all its activities. Khizer Sheriff, a senior Executive with 30+ years of experience in the Technology Industry, currently is a Director at VMware. Along with his professional commitments, Khizer is passionate about community service and serving humanity.
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David Roesel
MD - Community Health Clinic Lead Physician
Mustafa Haji is a full-time case manager for MCRC. He brings 8 years+ experience as a social worker. He worked previously with Muslim Housing Services, a non-profit that provides housing services for the needy . His exceptional counseling skills and compassionate professionalism enables him to assist people from different socio-economic backgrounds and across a range of age groups with kindness and wisdom.
He handles all client intake including providing information and referrals at the MAPS MCRC office.
Mustafa Haji is a full-time case manager for MCRC. He brings 8 years+ experience as a social worker. He worked previously with Muslim Housing Services, a non-profit that provides housing services for the needy . His exceptional counseling skills and compassionate professionalism enables him to assist people from different socio-economic backgrounds and across a range of age groups with kindness and wisdom. He handles all client intake including providing information and referrals at the MAPS MCRC office.
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Nabrath Sheriff
Legal Clinic Director
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community. She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master’s Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community.She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master's Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
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Nehath Sheriff
Community Health Clinic Director
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community. She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master’s Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community.She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master's Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
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Oraib Khalifeh
Furniture Warehouse Director
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community. She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master’s Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
Nickhath (Nicky) Sheriff oversees the functioning of MCRC and is responsible for defining the scope of its services in collaboration with a network of partners to serve the most vulnerable in our community.She is the founder of the Muslim Community Resource Center (MCRC) along with Khizer Sheriff which merged with MAPS to become MAPS-MCRC. Nickhath has a Bachelor’s Degree in History, a Master's Degree in Political Science & Public Affairs and a Computer Programming degree from Penn State. She is a trained and certified mediator / conflict resolution specialist and is an alumnus of the Leadership Eastside Executive program.
Read MoreClient Stories
Recognizing the urgency of her situation, our team acted quickly to provide assistance. We contacted her landlord and were able to negotiate a solution to prevent her eviction, securing the funds needed to cover her overdue rent. Additionally, we connected her with resources that could offer further support, helping her to maintain stability while continuing her education.
Our intervention allowed her to stay in her home, enabling her to focus on her studies and work without the immediate threat of eviction. She expressed her gratitude for the assistance, which not only relieved her financial burden but also provided her with peace of mind during a stressful time. This case highlights the importance of providing timely support to individuals who are working hard to improve their circumstances, ensuring they can continue on their path to success.
Our team quickly assessed his situation. Understanding the importance of immediate relief, we provided him with hygiene products and a food box to help sustain his household. Additionally, we gave him gas cards to ensure he could attend his daughter’s medical appointments and manage other essential travel. Recognizing that he might need further support, we also provided referrals to additional resources where he could find more comprehensive assistance tailored to his and his daughter’s needs.
The support we provided offered the father some much-needed relief and helped him maintain stability during a difficult time. He expressed his gratitude for the assistance and the guidance he received, which not only met their immediate needs but also connected him to further resources. This case highlights the vital role of providing holistic support to families in need and the positive impact of connecting clients to a broader network of services.
Understanding the urgency and vulnerability of his circumstances, we acted immediately to stop the eviction process. We contacted his landlord and secured the necessary funds to cover his overdue rent, ensuring that he could remain in his home. Additionally, we provided him with information about other resources available to him, including options for ongoing support to help prevent future financial instability.
The elderly man was able to avoid eviction and regain a sense of stability during a challenging time. He expressed his deep gratitude for the assistance, which not only allowed him to keep his home but also alleviated the stress and anxiety that had been weighing on him. This case underscores the importance of timely and compassionate support for vulnerable individuals, particularly those who are isolated and facing multiple challenges.
Recognizing the urgency of her situation, our team acted quickly to provide assistance. We contacted her landlord and were able to negotiate a solution to prevent her eviction, securing the funds needed to cover her overdue rent. Additionally, we connected her with resources that could offer further support, helping her to maintain stability while continuing her education.
Our intervention allowed her to stay in her home, enabling her to focus on her studies and work without the immediate threat of eviction. She expressed her gratitude for the assistance, which not only relieved her financial burden but also provided her with peace of mind during a stressful time. This case highlights the importance of providing timely support to individuals who are working hard to improve their circumstances, ensuring they can continue on their path to success.
Our team quickly assessed his situation. Understanding the importance of immediate relief, we provided him with hygiene products and a food box to help sustain his household. Additionally, we gave him gas cards to ensure he could attend his daughter’s medical appointments and manage other essential travel. Recognizing that he might need further support, we also provided referrals to additional resources where he could find more comprehensive assistance tailored to his and his daughter’s needs.
The support we provided offered the father some much-needed relief and helped him maintain stability during a difficult time. He expressed his gratitude for the assistance and the guidance he received, which not only met their immediate needs but also connected him to further resources. This case highlights the vital role of providing holistic support to families in need and the positive impact of connecting clients to a broader network of services.
Partners and Funders
Even in its short existence, the work of MAPS-MCRC has received recognition for its frontline services work and leadership. Here are a few.

Alliance of Eastside Agencies selected MAPS-MCRC for 2019 Faith Organization of the Year.

Seattle Foundation selected MAPS-MCRC for COVID-19 Phase-1 and Phase-2 grantee to accelerate the support of needy people in this time of COVID-19.
Seattle Foundation selected MAPS-MCRC for Supplemental Food Security Fund to continue to provide Meals services to the needy

City of Redmond awarded MAPS-MCRC to provide rental assistance as part of the city's COVID-19 response.

City of Kirkland awarded MAPS-MCRC to aid city residents in need during COVID-19.

City of Bellevue awarded MAPS-MCRC CARES Grant to help those affected by COVID-19.

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints provided in-kind grant to MAPS-MCRC during 2020 Ramadan for distribution to the needy.

King County awards MAPS-MCRC the King County COVID-19 Community Response Fund.

Alliance of Eastside Agencies
Alliance of Eastside Agencies selected MAPS-MCRC for 2019 Faith Organization of the Year
Seattle Foundation
Seattle Foundation selected MAPS-MCRC for COVID-19 Phase-1 and Phase-2 grantee to accelerate the support of needy people in this time of COVID-19
Seattle Foundation
Seattle Foundation selected MAPS-MCRC for Supplemental Food Security Fund to continue to provide Meals services to the needy
City of Redmond
City of Redmond awarded MAPS-MCRC to provide rental assistance as part of the City’s COVID-19 response
City of Kirkland
City of Kirkland awarded MAPS-MCRC to aid city residents in need during COVID-19
City of Bellevue
City of Bellevue awarded MAPS-MCRC CARES Grant to help those affected by COVID-19
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints provided in-kind grant to MAPS-MCRC during 2020 Ramadan for distribution to the needy
King County
King County awards MAPS-MCRC the King County COVID-19 COMMUNITY RESPONSE FUND
Our Partners
MCRC believes in the power of collaborative partnerships and leveraging strengths and capabilities of our partner ecosystem in serving those in our communities that need help to get back on their feet. To that extent, MCRC has built a network of partners that it works with on an ongoing basis. This list continues to expand each day.
Below is the list of partners that we currently work with.
Partner Services
- Child Care Resources Homeless Program
- Consumer Credit Counseling Service – Apprisen Financial Advocates
- Al Islam Center of Seattle
- Homeless resources sheet for $1 Donation
- Ramadan NW Harvest Drive
- Funeral Arrangements Brochure
- Funeral Homes offering Muslim Services
- Funeral Information – What to do when a Muslim dies
- Washing and wrapping of the deceased – Important resources & Contacts
- A Big Thank You to our partners for help with Tent City 4 Motel Effort
- Human stories of people that we have touched in these unprecdented time
- MAPS-MCRC donates masks for healthcare workers and emergency workers across Puget Sound during COVID-19
- MAPS-MCRC response to COVID-19
- Notification from WA State Emergency Management
- Thank you Al Sadaqa for your support for the Bellevue Backpack meals Program
- Thank you ICOR for your support for the Bellevue Backpack meals Program
- Thank you Medina Academy for your support for the Bellevue Backpack meals Program
MCRC Calendar
- No events scheduled for March 4, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 5, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 7, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 9, 2025.
Week of Events
Support our work! Funds donated to MAPS-MCRC will go directly to support our social and humanitarian work, and will not be used for religious programming.
Contact Info
Call Us
Redmond Location:
16255 NE 87th St., Redmond, WA 98052, Suite 140
Monday - Friday, 10:00am - 5:00pm
Seattle Location:
2100 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98121
Monday & Thursday, 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Please call ahead and make an appointment to meet with the case manager.