Welcoming Ramadan (2016)!

Assalamu Alaykum Dear MAPS Community,

Ramadan is the (month) in which was sent down the Qur’an, as a guide to mankind, also clear (signs) for guidance and judgment (between right and wrong). So every one of you who is present (at his home) during that month should spend it in fasting, but if any one is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed period (should be made up) by days later. Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties. (He wants you) to complete the prescribed period, and to glorify Him in that He has guided you; and perchance ye shall be grateful.
” [Qur’an 2:185]
We are all very excited to welcome Ramadan again this year! Ramadan is the month when we rejuvenate our souls, when we strengthen our faiths, when we intensify our Ibadaat’s (good deeds), when we curtail our bad habits, when we rally around our families and when we solidify our community. Ramadan is also the month when we deepen our love of the Qur’an, when we seek to emulate the Prophet’s noble character and when we respond to our Lord’s call! Ramadan is the month when MAPS comes alive!
My dear extended family, we have put in place many programs for the coming month to make our collective experience during this blessed month one of deep peace and deep faith. These programs re-emphasize MAPS vision “to inspire and foster a community that impacts the quality of life and spirituality for the individual, family and society guided by teachings of Quran and Sunnah”.  We have also listened to your feedback, improved existing programs and implemented several new practices and tools this year. Please participate in these programs, support and enhance them and make MAPS your masjid!
One Place for Ramadan Information
Our Ramadan booklet is a handy resource with all of the details of our programs, timings, schedules, dates, etc. Please download the booklet, share it on your social media, print it for home use and distribute to others.
What’s New This Year
1. MAPS App
By the grace of Allah, we are deploying a phone app that will provide a wealth of relevant information on MAPS activities. The app is available for download on the Google Play store today. It will be available on the Apple App store very soon. Please search for “Muslim Association of Puget Sound” and install – it is free! (We are seeking a volunteer to develop the Windows version – reach out if you are interested). The app has prayer timings, taraweeh schedules, daily announcements, events details, etc. You can also set reminders for Salah, check classes being offered and book facilities. Further, the app is integrated with our payment system and you can pay your zakaat, sadaqah, donations, etc. with a few clicks on your mobile at any time. Please download it and give it a try today!


2. Txt2Give

We have also implemented an easy way for you to meet your religious obligations of zakat, give sadaqah, sponsor Iftars and support the masjid. All it takes are a few texts!
1. Text “Give” to 1 425 654 2989
2. Store this number (1 425 654 2989) in your contacts as “Give MAPS” so you can use it later and at any time
3. The system requires a one time registration and will request your credit card information
4. There is no limit to the amount you can donate
It’s easy, it’s efficient and it’s secure. Please try it out too.
3. Fundraising
We have heard you – having many fundraising’s in Ramadan can be annoying. At the same time, Muslim organizations rely on voluntary donations to fulfill very important duties. And, MAPS has always acted as a platform enabling other organizations. This year we are implementing a new fundraising format that will Insha-Allah balance these requirements. We will have only 4 fundraisers this whole month:

June 10th: We will have one joint fundraising event for 4 national organizations that do relief and development work in Africa, Middle East and Asia

June 18th: We will have one joint fundraising event for 4 local organizations that are involved in charity, advocacy, education and Islamic works
June 17th after Jumuah: We will have one flash fundraising for MAPS
July 1st: We will have one extended fundraising for MAPS


4. Show your MAPS Colors!

MAPS Library is offering a collection of high-end shirts for sale. Each shirt has the MAPS logo and the Islamic greeting “Peace be with you”. Show your pride in your masjid and your community this Ramadan and this summer by sporting the shirts. Additionally, they make perfect gifts for friends, family and visitors.

Click here to view models, colors and prices

1. Taraweeh

Isha salat will start at 11PM and ends by 12:15AM nightly. Our own beloved Imam Joban and Shaikh Nabil will lead the prayers and will be assisted by 4 other qari’s. Please see the booklet for a full qari and reading schedule. Babysitting will be provided during Taraweeh at minimal cost.

2. Iftar & Suhoor

On weekdays, we will host Iftar for some 150 singles. On Fridays and Saturdays, we will host Iftar for the broad community and expect between 500-600 attendees. During the last ten nights, we will host Suhoor for 300 people.

At $10 per person, daily Iftar cost $1500, week-end Iftar $6000 and Suhoor $3000 (not accounting for paper wares, cleaning staff, etc.). We are seeking individual and group sponsors to alleviate this cost. Please sponsor Iftar and Suhoor here:



3. Ramadan Food Drive

MAPS-MCRC has prepared 250 boxes each containing basmati rice, lentils, beans, pasta, cooking oil, tea, sugar and dates to be distributed to 250 Syrian refugee families, many of whom are spending their first Ramadan in the USA and needy families. These Ramadan boxes will enable the families to have basic food items during this month. The boxes are costing $15,585 – please sponsor one or more families below.

4. Interfaith Iftar

The Interfaith Iftar, a program put together by MAPS-IOC, will be held on June 15th this year. Sr. Maha el-Geneidi and Sr Aneelah Afzali are our guest speakers and will explain the Prophetic example of reacting to challenges with kindness. Please invite your non-Muslim friends, neighbors and colleagues to this popular event celebrating our faith and ethos. Register here:

To register click here

5. Itikaaf
Young adults (14+) and grown ups are welcome to spend the last 10 days of Ramadan in the masjid. Amenities and sleeping arrangement for full and partial Itikaf will be made available. Note, registration and signing a code of conduct form are required for all those interested
(email manager@mapsredmond.org).

6. Annual Qur’an Competition

Ramadan is the month of the Qur’an. As in past years, we will have a Qur’an recitation competition this year on June 25th. There are over 10 groups competing starting at age 3! Please participate and encourage your kids to participate. We will have prizes for all groups!

Click here to register

7. Summer Intensive Qur’an  Memorization

MAPS Ar-Rahmah Academy will be offering a program focused on Surah memorization, tafseer and reading intensive for children aged 4-10+. The program is scheduled from 6/20 – 6/30.

Click here to register

8. Youth Programs

MAPS Youth has a number of programs planned during this month with special focus on spiritual development, social goods and community relations. Please check the MAPS Youth Facebook page for details.

9. Ramadan Enrichment Programs

MAPS-Precious Hearts will have two courses during the summer holidays for ages 4-6 and 7-10 focusing on hands-on activities in an Islamic positive learning environment. The program is scheduled from 6/20 – 6/30.
Click here to register ages 4-6Click here to register ages 7-70

10. Other organizations at MAPS

Several other organizations will be hosting their activities at MAPS during Ramadan. Islamic Relief will host an Iftar for Syria on June 9th and Imam Suhaib Webb is the guest speaker. Please support these organizations causes as well.
As you can all see, we have truly an amazing month ahead. As you fast and pray this month, please remember all of us in your dua’s. Remember your community and your masjid. Remember those in need and those who are sick. Remember those who are near and those who are far. Let us all have a wonderful blessed Ramadan Insha-Allah!

Mahmood Khadeer

MAPS President