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Assalamu-Alaykum Dear Community Members,

Our set of Spring Events continues in full swing:


Friday 4/24 Khutbah:  “Asserting a Middle Ground: Lessons for American Muslims from the South African Experience” by Hon. Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool

Friday 4/24 7PM to 9PM: “Lessons from the Anit-Apartheid Civil Rights Movement: Taking Leadership through Advocacy, Engagement and Community Service.” by Hon. Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool. This event is open and free to the broad public. Please invite your colleagues and friends to come and hear from a leader who fought against apartheid with Nelson Mandela.

Saturday 4/25 [by invitation]: Seattle Muslim Leaders Summit on Emergency Preparedness


And, do not forget to register this week for the 

Seerah Conference on May 1-2:



Alhumudullillah, we had a very successful Singles Spring Fest. A record number of participants signed up for this event and had to close the registration early. To quote Imam Joban, the event was “well organized, fun, knowledgeable, interactive, interesting, humorous”. We plan additional such events and follow-ups in the coming month.

Last Friday, Sheikh Yahya Rhodus, instructor at Zaytuna College and student of Sheikh Hamza Yusuf delivered the Friday Khutbah. He spoke on the importance of etiquettes in Islam.

On Friday evening, Sheikh Yasir Qadhi hosted the first session of the Al-Maghrib class on Denial at MAPS. 800 people packed the Main Hall to hear Sheikh Yasir introduce Surah Yasin.

In addition, Br. Maqsood Ahmed who leads ICNA Relief USA discussed the organization’s relief effort on Sunday.


We can only bring these events with your prayers and your support. Please buy tickets to MAPS Annual Banquet on May 16th below:


Click here to buy May 16th Fundraiser tickets  

Click here to Donate to MAPS


Mahmood Khadeer

MAPS President