MAPS Redmond Ramadan 2025/1446

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
“O you who believe, fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint.” Qur’an 2:183

The blessed month of Ramadan is upon us, and we pray that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala (The most glorified, The most high) guide us to make the best use of this precious month. We have planned a full Ramadan schedule including Iftar & Suhoor programs, Taraweeh, Qiyam-ul-Lail, I’tekaf and other activities to reconnect spiritually and socially. This Ramadan booklet provides details of everything we have on offer for you this year. MAPS Board, staff, and Ramadan Committee are looking forward to welcoming you this Ramadan, Insha’Allah.

Ramadan Programs at MAPS-Redmond

Assalaamu Alaikum,

Ramadan Kareem! (Wishing you a generous and blessed Ramadan.)

As we enter this sacred month, we are grateful for the many opportunities it brings—both to strengthen our connection with Allah and to deepen our bonds as a community. Ramadan is a time of reflection, growth, and unity, and we look forward to sharing it with you.

Our teams at MAPS Redmond, MAPS Seattle, and MAPS Snohomish County have put together a diverse lineup of spiritual and social activities to enrich your Ramadan experience. Additionally, MAPS Redmond is hosting an Interfaith Iftar on Saturday, 3/9 at 5:30 PM and MAPS Snohomish is hosting one on Friday, 3/7. These events offer a meaningful way to invite your co-workers, neighbors, school principals, teachers, and friends to experience the beauty of Ramadan alongside us.

I encourage you to explore this booklet for details on all our programs and bring your families to participate. With increased foot traffic at all our locations, we kindly ask for your cooperation with our volunteers to ensure a smooth, safe, and welcoming experience for everyone.

This Ramadan, we also seek your support in our expansion project. As our community continues to grow, so does the need for more space to accommodate prayers, programs, and events. The expansion into our new building will allow us to serve even more families and strengthen our community’s foundation. Your generosity in this blessed month can leave a lasting impact—please consider contributing to this vital initiative.

At the same time, let us keep our brothers and sisters in Gaza in our hearts and prayers as they endure unimaginable hardship. May Allah SWT ease their suffering, grant them justice and freedom, and reunite them with their homes.

If there is anything we can do to support you this Ramadan, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to serve you and will do our best to accommodate your needs, Insha’Allah (God willing).

Jazakum Allahu Khairan (May Allah SWT reward you all),
Mohammad N. Vakil
President, MAPS Board of Directors

Assalaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,

Ramadan is here! Alhamdulillah, we are blessed once again with this sacred month—a time of renewal, reflection, and reconnecting with Allah. 

As we fast, we remember its deeper purpose: “…so that you may attain Taqwa (God-consciousness).” It is a time to build self-discipline, increase gratitude, and become more aware of those in need. 

This is also the month of the Quran. Revealed in Ramadan, it is our guide—let’s engage with it through recitation, reflection, and action. 

Our du’as carry special weight this month. Let us pray for those oppressed worldwide, especially in Gaza and beyond. May Allah grant them relief, justice, and peace. 

This Ramadan is particularly special as we take a major step forward—investing in a new facility for our growing community. This isn’t just about space—it’s about building a stronger future. A center for faith, learning, and service that will serve generations to come. Your support and du’as will help make it a reality. 

Let’s also extend our generosity through hospitality. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 

“Whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like theirs, without diminishing the fasting person’s reward in the least.” 

Invite someone new this year for iftar—a neighbor, a community member, or a convert who may not have Muslim family to break fast with. 

May Allah accept our fasts, prayers, and acts of charity, ease hardships, and bring barakah to our efforts. 

Ramadan Mubarak! 

Imam Adam Jamal 
Head Imam MAPS 

First day of Taraweeh28-FebFri
First day of Fasting1-MarSat
Last 10 nights Begin20-MarThu
27th night of Ramadan26-MarWed
Award Ceremony27-MarThu
Last Jumu’ah of Ramadan28-MarFri
Du’a Khatm al-Quran28-MarFri
Last day of Taraweeh28-MarFri
Last day of Fasting29-MarSat

Fridays in Ramadan

Mar 7Imam Adam JamalImam Adam Jamal
Mar 14Br. Alaa BadrBr. Hassan Hatem
Mar 21  
March 28Imam Adam JamalImam Adam Jamal

Table of Ramadan Prayer Times 

 Iqama Times
FajrFirst 20 nights
Last 10 nights
20 mins after Adhan
10 mins after Adhan
Dhuhr1-Mar to 8-Mar
9-Mar to 29-Mar
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
Asr1-Mar to 8-Mar
9-Mar to 29-Mar
4:30 PM
5:30 PM
MaghribAll Ramadan10 mins after Adhan


28-Feb to 8-Mar
9-Mar (IOC Iftar)
10-Mar to 29-Mar
7:45 PM
9:30 PM
9:15 PM

In addition to Qari Aslam, we have Qari Ibrahim Bakeer, Qari Muhammad Abbas and Qari Ifdal Yusuf leading us in Taraweeh prayers this Ramadan.  

We will pray 8 Rak’at + Witr in Taraweeh and start a new Juz each night, Insha’Allah. 

Khatirahs (spiritual reminders) will be presented in English for 5-10 minutes after the 4th Rak’ah. Imam Adam will cover some meanings from the chapters being recited every night.

  Fri Feb 28 Imam Adam Qari Aslam Imam Adam (1:1) – Al-Fatiha
1 Sat March 1 Sh. Joban  Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (2:142) – Al-Baqara
2 Sun March 2 Imam Adam Qari Aslam Imam Adam (2:253) – Al-Baqara
3 Mon March 3 Hamza Abdi Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (3:92) – Aal-e-Imran
4 Tue March 4 Mubasheer Joban Qari Aslam Imam Adam (4:24) – An-Nisa
5 Wed March 5 Reyan Haji Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (4:148) – An-Nisa
6 Thu March 6 Sh. Joban Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (5:84) – An-Nisa
7 Fri March 7 Qari Aslam Qari Ibrahim Bakeer Qari Ibrahim Bakeer (6:111) – Al-An’am
8 Sat March 8 Qari Aslam Qari Ibrahim Bakeer Qari Ibrahim Bakeer (7:88) – Al-A’raf
9 Sun March 9 Qari Aslam Qari Ibrahim Bakeer Qari Ibrahim Bakeer (8:41) – Al-Anfal
10 Mon March 10 Hamza Abdi Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (9:94) – At-Tawba
11 Tue March 11 Imam Adam Qari Aslam Imam Adam (11:1) – Hud
12 Wed March 12 Mubasheer Joban Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (12:53) – Yusuf
13 Thu March 13 Reyan Haji Qari Aslam Imam Adam (15:1) – Al-Hijr
14 Fri March 14 Imam Adam Qari Aslam Imam Adam (17:1) – Al-Isra
15 Sat March 15 Sh. Joban Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (18:71) – Al-Kahf
16 Sun March 16 Imam Adam Qari Aslam Imam Adam (21:1) – Al-Anbiya
17 Mon March 17 Hamza Abdi Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (23:1) – Al-Mu’minun
18 Tue March 18 Qari Aslam Qari Muhammad Abbas Qari Muhammad Abbas (25:21) – Al-Furqan
19 Wed March 19 Qari Aslam Qari Muhammad Abbas Qari Muhammad Abbas (27:56) – An-Naml
20 Thu March 20 Sh. Joban Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (29:46) – Al Ankabut
21 Fri March 21 Imam Adam Qari Aslam Imam Adam (33:31) – Al-Ahzab
22 Sat March 22 Imam Adam Qari Aslam Imam Adam (36:28) – Ya-Sin
23 Sun March 23 Qari Aslam Qari Ifdal Yusuf Qari Ifdal Yusuf (39:32) – Az-Zumar
24 Mon March 24 Qari Aslam Qari Ifdal Yusuf Qari Ifdal Yusuf (41:47) – Fussilat
25 Tue March 25 Qari Aslam Qari Ifdal Yusuf Qari Ifdal Yusuf (46:1) – Al-Ahqaf
26 Wed March 26* Imam Adam Qari Aslam Imam Adam (51:31) – Adh-Dhariyat
27 Thu March 27 Sh. Joban Qari Aslam Sh. Joban (58:1) – Al-Mujadila
28 Fri March 28 ‡‡ Imam Adam Qari Aslam
Du’a Khatm al-Quran
Imam Adam (67:1) – Al-Mulk
29 Sat March 29 Qari Aslam  Qari Aslam  Imam Adam (78:1) – An-Naba
1st Shawwal Sun March 30 Eid-ul-Fitr  

* Fundraising will be done during Taraweeh on these dates. Please see the fundraising efforts section for more details.

‡‡ Du’a Khatm al-Quran will be made on Friday, March 28.

Our Qiyamul-Lail program will start on 21st night of Ramadan and run for the last 10 nights. Qiyam-ul-Lail session will start at 3:30am and will be 6 Rak’at + Witr.

20ThuMar 20Qari AslamImam Adam
21FriMar 21Qari AslamImam Adam
22SatMar 22Qari AslamImam Adam
23SunMar 23Qari Ifdal YusufSh. Joban
24MonMar 24Qari Ifdal YusufSh. Joban
25TueMar 25Qari Ifdal YusufQari Aslam
26WedMar 26Qari AslamSh. Joban
27ThuMar 27Qari AslamQari Aslam
28FriMar 28Qari Aslam
Du’a Khatm al-Quran
Sh. Joban


Join us for daily Iftar (dinner) at MAPS throughout Ramadan! Open to all community members, these gatherings offer a wonderful opportunity to share a meal, connect with others, and strengthen our bonds in a welcoming and spiritual atmosphere.

Suhoor (early breakfast) will be arranged for people praying Qiyam-ul-Lail and doing I’tekaf in the last ten nights of Ramadan.

If you’re interested in sponsoring Iftar at MAPS, please sign up and make your donation at

QR codes for Iftar signup will also be posted throughout the masjid.
If you plan on sponsoring Iftar for a day and want to make special arrangements, please contact

As we prepare for the blessed month of Ramadan, we are seeking dedicated volunteers to help ensure this year’s Ramadan experience is smooth and memorable for our community, inshaAllah. We have several opportunities to get involved including helping with Iftar or Taraweeh!

Sign up:

Young Children

  • Mothers’ room behind the women’s Musallah open every night.
  • Free childcare for ages 3-10 will be available every weekend and during the last 10 nights.

Youth Programming (Ages 10-16)

  • Taking place every weekend and during the last 10 nights
  • Located in the classrooms by the new MPR
  • Basketball/ping pong/board games/chill rooms for boys and girls
  • Raffle tickets and prizes for youth who pray


Park in designated areas & respect our neighbors.​


  • MAPS​
  • Both Microsoft Lots (After 7 pm)​
  • Redmond Community Center (After 8:30 pm)​
  • Big Church Lot (Sunday – Thursday After 7 pm)​
  • Street Parking​
  • Marymoor Park (After 8 pm)
    • Marymoor East Lot
    • Marymoor Cirque Lot (After March 17th)

Not Allowed​

  • Small Church Lot ​
  • Big Church Lot on Fridays and Saturdays

Community Etiquette

  • Stay home if you’re sick. Live streaming is available on MAPS Facebook & YouTube.
  • Keep MAPS clean. Food & drinks only in designated areas—never on carpets. Clean up after Iftar & Suhoor.
  • Dispose of waste properly. Use Trash/Recycle/Compost bins correctly.
  • Maintain personal hygiene. Wear clean, odor-free clothing and avoid foods that cause bad breath.
  • Minimize distractions. Families should step out if kids are fussy.
  • Supervise children. Babysitting is available every weekend and during the last 10 nights for ages 3-10. The mothers’ room is available every night. Youth should be praying or in youth programming.
  • Silence phones & remain quiet. Show respect during prayer and khatirahs.
  • Respect fellow worshippers. Be mindful of others’ prayer and space.
  • Be kind to volunteers & follow instructions. They are serving the community—treat them with respect.
  • Use good manners & patience. Ramadan is about self-discipline and good character.
  • Leave footwear in designated areas.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle. Help keep MAPS green.
  • Follow parking rules. Vehicles parked inappropriately will be towed.
  • Respect our neighbors’ property.

Safety and Parking

  1. If you see something suspicious or threatening, please alert the security personnel at the facility. 
  2. “No Parking” signs have been installed in areas that must always remain clear to provide adequate access to individuals and emergency vehicles. At times we will place traffic cones to indicate an area that is blocked off for vehicle traffic and parking. Vehicles parked at such areas, marked with “No Parking” signs, or blocked off with traffic cones, are subject to be towed at vehicle owner’s expense. 
  3. Disabled Parking Spots are for vehicles that have a state-issued Disabled Parking Permit visibly displayed. Vehicles parked in these spots without the appropriate permit are subject to being towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. 
  4. Some of our neighboring businesses have their own parking needs and restrictions. You must always follow any parking restrictions or guidelines posted in their parking lots. There is strictly no MAPS parking in both small and large lots of the neighboring church on Fridays. 
  5. After parking your vehicle, please look around to make sure your vehicle is taking only one parking spot, is not blocking another vehicle, and is not blocking an exit or an entrance. Vehicles that occupy multiple parking spots, blocking other vehicles or critical pathways are subject to being towed at vehicle owner’s expense. 
  6. There is heavy foot traffic around the facility throughout the day. Please slow down and be extra vigilant of  
  7. Please send any comments or ideas to Together we can Insha’Allah make MAPS an inclusive, safe, and secure center for everyone.

Don’t forget to fulfill your Zakat obligations. Zakat-ul-Fitr is $15 per person. Fidyah will also be $15 per person.

Please send your Zakat, Zakat-ul-Fitr and Fidyah donations to MAPS by Friday, March 28th so that we can disburse to needy local families in time for Eid, Insha’Allah.

How to Pay:

More details coming soon.

MAPS will be holding Eid prayers on Sunday, March 30, 2025. More details to come!

  Takbeerat Starts Prayer Starts Khateeb
1st Prayer

2nd Prayer

3rd Prayer

4th Prayer


Upcoming Events

March 1-23

MAPS Ramadan Crafts at Local Libraries

March 22

MAPS Annual Qur'an Competition

Support MAPS this Ramadan

Seattle Sponsor Iftar (1)

Sponsor Iftar & Suhoor at MAPS

Ramadan 25 Volunteers (1)

Volunteer at MAPS During Ramadan

MCRC Ramadan Food Drive (3)

Donate Towards MAPS MCRC's Ramadan Food Boxes


If you or anyone you know is eligible for Zakat, please submit the form below.


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