MAPS Precious Hearts Early Learning Co-op Preschool

Our Mission

MAPS Precious Hearts Early Learning Co-op Preschool recognizes that early childhood is the most important time in life for brain development.  Precious Hearts mission is to provide children with a positive learning environment with play alongside instruction planned by staff knowledgeable in the field of child development.  Our goal is to help the child grow and develop a wide variety of skills: physical, social-emotional, cognitive, motor skills, academic and creative domains.  Our staff views each child as a unique individual, respect and respond to his/her individual needs.  The family is an integral part of the program, and their participation is crucial to the program operation and success.  In addition to English and Arabic Academics, our objective is to instill Islamic values and Quran memorization. 

Our Staff

Our teachers are well-trained, qualifies and committed to providing a safe, positive, nurturing environment where children can explore, create, and discover the world around them. They care for each student in the same way they care for their own. They perform their job with passion and have excelled in incorporating faith into the students activities and learning.

Our Curriculum

Through hands-on activities and quality shared interactions, our curriculum provides young children educational excellence while encouraging positive relationships, giving opportunities to learn self-control, and building on social and emotional development. Our classrooms are designed to be developmentally appropriate and foster strong learning connections. Indoor and outdoor play offers students a chance to explore nature and further improve social skills with their peers. Our goal is for the student to be Kindergarten-ready, equipped with the skills to support his/her learning journey.

Programs Offered


Ages: 3-4
Days: Mon – Thurs
Time: 9:30am – 1:00pm

Pre K

Ages: 4-5
Days: Mon – Thurs
Time: 9:30am – 1:00pm


Ages: 4-6
Days: Mon – Fri
Time: 9:30am – 1:00pm

Mom n Tot Caterpillars

Ages: 1-2
Days: Tue & Thurs
Time: 10:30am – 11:30am

Mom n Tot Butterflies

Ages: 2-3
Days: Tue & Thurs
Time: 12:00pm – 1:00pm

After School Care

Ages: 3-6
Days: Mon – Thurs
Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm

Before School Care

Ages: Preschool – KG
Days: Mon – Thurs
Time: 8:15am – 9:15am


Follow the registration link below to view all active classes to enroll or get on wait-list.

For questions, please reach out to: