MAPS Youth Seminary Course Grading Policies

The following policies will apply to all Youth Seminary courses.

Students are expected to attend all classes throughout the course unless there is a valid reason for their absence. Students will be required to attend at least 70% of classes in order to pass the course.

Students who must miss a class for a valid reason must communicate their absence in advance with their teacher. It is the responsibility of the student to catch up on class material and complete any assignments they may have missed.

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. Students who are not present at the time of attendance will be marked ABSENT; this includes students are arrive late to class. Students who are joining class online must have their cameras turned on in order to be marked PRESENT.


Final Exam and Other Assignments:
Each course will include a final exam at the end of the semester. Students must score at least 70% on the final exam to pass the course. Teachers will communicate with students what material will be covered on the final exam and how best to prepare.

Teachers may also assign other assignments throughout the course including in-class assignments, projects, and homework. These assignments are mainly scored based on completion, and students must score at least 70% overall on these assignments to receive full credit. Students who do not score at least 70% on these assignments will automatically receive a grade of 1.0 for the course.


Final Grades:
At the end of the course, students will receive one of the following grades based on their attendance, final exam score, and other assignments.

Grade Criteria
Incomplete (0.0)
Did not complete/pass exam OR did not fulfill attendance requirement (70%)
Passing (1.0)
Passed exam (70%) AND fulfilled attendance requirement (70%)
Good (2.0)
Passed exam with a score of 70% AND fulfilled attendance requirement (70%) AND scored at least 70% overall on other assignments
Great (3.0)
Passed exam with a score of 80% AND fulfilled attendance requirement (70%) AND scored at least 70% overall on other assignments
Excellent (4.0)
Passed exam with a score of 90% AND fulfilled attendance requirement (70%) AND scored at least 70% overall on other assignments

Completion of Youth Seminary Program:

MAPS Youth Seminary is currently anticipated to be a three-year program with 4 courses offered each year (2 courses per semester; 12 total courses). In order for a student to fully complete the Youth Seminary Program, they must:

  • Complete each course in the curriculum with a minimum grade of 0. Students cannot complete Youth Seminary with Incomplete (0.0) courses.
  • Have an overall grade average of 75 across all courses.

Students who have an overall grade average of 2.75 will earn the distinction of High Achievement. Students who have an overall grade average of 3.5 will earn the distinction of Honors.