MAPS Virtual Fundraiser Results and YOUR Help Needed

As’salaam Alaikum (peace be upon you) and Ramadan Kareem!
Thank you to all who joined us for the MAPS Virtual Fundraiser on Friday April 24 with Imam Abdul Malik! We had a successful kickoff to our month-long campaign, as we were able to raise $320,000. We are grateful to every single person who contributed or pledged to donate. The campaign will continue through the rest of the month of Ramadan. Please take the time to donate or pledge today.
The month of Ramadan is typically when we raise the funds needed to sustain our Operations and Services for the remainder of the year. Operations and Services include staff salary, facility operational expenses, and the numerous religious, educational and social programming we do at MAPS. Given the significant impact of COVID-19, this year is different. That’s why we are trying new ways of engaging the community to meet our budget of $1.950M for 2020. This includes $1.2M for operations and $750K for services. It is critical that we raise enough money to sustain our operations, as we currently have limited funds left in our account.
That’s why we are calling on you to step up and become an Influencer! You can set up a virtual MAPS event with your friends and family. I or one of our board members will join you to provide a MAPS update/overview of our work. You can choose any day during Ramadan and we will work around your schedule, insha’Allah (God-willing). Simply send an email to with your requested time.
Click here or below image to view MAPS Virtual Fundraiser Page

MAPS Virtual Fundraiser Video

During this blessed month of Ramadan, MAPS is providing a number of online programs and services along with a daily Tafseer, Daily Taraweeh, and a daily Iftar Drive-Thru/Pickup. See all of our programs and activities here. Below are pictures of some of what is happening.
MAPS – MCRC Food Assistant MAPS – MCRC Food Assistant
MAPS – MCRC Donated Medical Supplies MAPS – MCRC Donated Medical Supplies
MAPS – Drive-Thru Iftar at MAPS Redmond MAPS – 2nd Drive-Thru Iftar at EMAS Community. Hardest hit due to COVID-19. Majority of Uber & Lyft Drivers.
In addition, we have received significant media coverage over the last few weeks. See the list below with links.
I hope this shows how MAPS is continuing to work hard to serve the community, especially in this holy month, even in the face of a pandemic. We call on you to please help support our work and YOUR masjid. We cannot get through this crisis without you and your generosity. May Allah swt bless and reward you many times over, and may we all find deep spiritual meaning, reflection, repentance, mercy and rewards during this month. Ameen.

Thank you,
Hyder Ali
MAPS President