King County Executive Dow Constantine to Address MAPS Community on June 25th after 9:30AM Eid Prayers

Assalamu Alaykum / Peace be upon you all,


We are very pleased to welcome King County Executive Dow Constantine at MAPS on Eid Day (June 25th, 2017).  Dow will take the podium after the 9:30AM prayers. He will address the gathering after the Portland Heroes speak to our community.  He will then hand MAPS Vision Inbound Good awards out. MAPS Vision awards are recognitions given once a year by MAPS on Eid Day to exemplary individuals who have, through their actions and achievements, lived up to the cornerstones of MAPS Vision: Faith, Outbound Good, Inbound Good and Model Citizen.

Please join me in welcoming Dow to our community on Eid Day.

More about Mr. Dow Constantine: here

Thank you

Mahmood Khadeer,

MAPS President