MAPS Sunday School

Welcome to Sunday School

MAPS Sunday School is a division of Muslim Association of Puget Sounds (MAPS) education program that meets weekly on Sundays. Our mission is to empower Muslim Americans with their Islamic roots to foster confident, compassionate, and educated community leaders.

Leadership Team


Sh. Adam Jamal

Director of Education

Fatima Attia



Mallak Attwa

Vice Principal


Salma Zarook

Head Teacher


Shayma Al-Shaksheer

Head Qur'an Teacher


MAPS Youth Seminary Quarter 3

Redmond Redmond, WA, United States

OVERVIEW MAPS is conducting a youth seminary program for middle and high school students in our community to study Islamic studies at a deeper level with qualified instructors. Youth who...

Muslim Association of Puget Sound

17550 NE 67th CT, Redmond, WA 98052


Registration for MAPS Sunday School 2024-2025 year is NOW OPEN.

Program Hours

September 8, 2024 - June 1, 2025

In-person Morning hours:
10:15am – 1:45pm

In-person Afternoon hours:
2:15pm – 5:45pm

Online hours:
10:00am – 11:30am

Online classes are conducted via Zoom.

In-person Special Education hours:
2:15pm – 5:45pm






AM $850
PM $800



AM $1,487.50
PM $1,400



AM $2,252.50
PM $2,120



AM $3,017.50
PM $2,840


Tuition Discounts

Full Time PTA Volunteers receive 50%
off total tuition.

Volunteer Teachers receive 100% off
total tuition.

Tuition Assistance

Islamic knowledge should not be
limited by financial barriers. If you are
experiencing financial hardship and
are unable to pay partial or full tuition,
please email


Children must be signed in and signed out by authorized parent or guardian.

Bring your ID every Sunday

Email us if your child is going to be late, absent, or needs to be picked up early.

Attendance routine is required to assist in monitoring attendance and in the case of emergencies.

In the event of an emergency, our attendance is the quickest way to account for students.

Parents are responsible for notifying administration if another authorized adult will be picking up their child(ren) from MAPS, late drop off, early pick up, absences via email.

You can email

Parents are responsible for delivering and picking up their child(ren) from Sunday School. As of now, there is no transportation provided from MAPS. If transportation is an obstacle in attending Sunday School, we also have an online Sunday School option.

Health Policy

For the safety and well-being of our students, educators, volunteers, administration, and community, please stay home if your child feels unwell.

Masks are optional. The flu shot and COVID vaccination are highly encouraged.

We highly encourage students to receive COVID-19 vaccination and booster shots to prevent severe health implications if they or any family members were to contract COVID-19.

If you or your child test positive for COVID-19, are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, muscle ache, etc.), or were exposed to somebody positive for COVID-19, please stay home for a minimum of 7 days before returning to Sunday School.

If you discover you or your child are COVID-19 positive, email us at

We will not share personal information but will alert families of possible exposure.

Medication & Allergies

Please review this information carefully if your child has an allergy or other condition that may require medication to be administered while participating in the MAPS Sunday School Program.

The MAPS Sunday School only has access to a first aid kit and does not have an on-site nurse.

Parents/guardians are responsible for delivering their child’s medication to the administration before the first day of the child’s attendance.

Medication includes all prescription and over-the-counter medication and must be in the original container and original prescription label. Medication cannot be expired.

Sunday School employees and PTA cannot administer any medication (over the counter or prescription).

Special Education Program

The Special Education Program has been designed to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for children with special needs.

Vision: To build an inclusive, compassionate and tolerant community based on sound Islamic principles. Our goal is to break down barriers that prevent children with disabilities from being able to participate in the community of the Masjid.
In order for us to serve our community better, we invite families who have a child(ren) with special needs to kindly fill in the form below so that MAPS Sunday School can plan better for future programs.

What: Special Education Islamic Session.
This class will include creative and inclusive strategies to engage students who require additional support in a learning environment. Lessons will be based on the regular MAPS Sunday School curriculum and will be modified to suit each learner’s abilities, incorporating different learning styles such as: visual, auditory and/or tactile learning.

Program Mission & Goals:

  • To provide a learning environment that is safe, caring and loving where children with special needs can learn about Islam and develop strong, positive Islamic identities.
  • To nurture each child’s individual skills and abilities while learning the basic fundamental teachings of Islam in an appropriate way.
  • To allow students to build friendships and gain a connection to our local masjid.

When: Sundays, 10:30am – 1:30pm

Where: Muslim Association of Puget Sound

Who: Children ages 4 – 16 years who have an identified disability (such as a learning disability, autism, ADHD and/or have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 plan.

About the Teacher: Nabeela Morrad

Nabeela Moorad graduated with a bachelor’s degree in special education and went on to pursue a master’s degree in inclusive and special education from the University of Edinburgh. She has been teaching students from diverse backgrounds for over five years and is passionate about supporting learners with disabilities including but not limited to autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities and visual impairment. Nabeela has provided Sunday School with guidance on how to engage students with special needs and is excited to head this program.

Behaviour Policy

To promote a safe, stimulating environment for all children and staff, each site will have guidelines that are consistent with local school district policies.

Should a child display behaviors which jeopardize the safety of themselves and others, the staff will contact the child’s parent or guardian and may request that the child be removed from the program for that day. An additional suspension may follow. Upon return, a family conference may take place to develop a plan for improving behavior. Repeated suspensions could result in termination of enrollment.


MAPS Sunday School program provides a quality experience for most children. However, it may not be the most appropriate experience for every child or for the same child at different stages of his/her development. When it is determined that a child’s needs cannot be met in MAPS Sunday School due to either undue burden or the student’s continued enrollment causing a fundamental alteration to the nature of MAPS Sunday School, including but not limited to a determination that a child poses a threat or danger to themselves, others, or property, enrollment will be terminated.

How to Volunteer

Our program has become what it is today with the help of dedicated volunteers.

Here are some examples of volunteer positions:

    • Substitute Teacher (Level 1-5)
    • Lunch Monitor
    • Classroom Assistance
    • Office Support
    • Islamic Studies Teaching assistant (Level 1-5)
    • Quran Teacher (Level 2,3 & 4,5)

To apply, email


    • Subject Line: [First & Last Name]: Volunteer Interest
    • Age (Minimum: 15 years)
    • Area of Interest (Substitute Teacher, Lunch Monitor, Classroom Assistance,

If you’re unsure of what volunteer position you’d like to pursue, let us know what your goals are so we can find the best position fit for you!

Volunteering can be used for community service hours and/or to receive a letter of recommendation upon request.

Become an Educator

We’re glad you’re interested in becoming part of the team that brings Sunday School to hundreds of families!

We’re currently hiring for the following positions:

    • Islamic Studies Teachers (Level 1-5)
    • Islamic Studies Teaching assistant (Level 1-5)
    • Quran Teacher (Level 2,3 & 4,5)

To apply, email


    • Subject Line: [First & Last Name]: [Position] Application
    • Updated Resume
    • Letter of Recommendations (Recommended)
    • Position of Interest (Teacher, Teaching Assistant, Quran Teacher, or

Your application will be assessed and an interview will be scheduled based on position openings.

If there is no position open, you will be notified and may be contacted if a position opens!

If you do not receive a response in a week, we encourage you to follow up!