Dua’ and Assistance to the Turkey and Syria Earthquake Victims

As-salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmat Ullah / Peace and blessings of Allah be Upon You:

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Those who show mercy will be shown mercy by the Most Merciful. Show mercy to those who are on earth and the One Who is in heaven will show mercy to you.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi.

Dear MAPS Community,

It is with a heavy heart that we are receiving the very sad news from Turkey and Syria. The devastating earthquake that hit the region has caused massive damage and widespread loss of life. We fear that the casualty numbers will, unfortunately, increase in the coming days. Many of our community members trace their roots to the region, and many have loved ones who have been directly impacted by this calamity. In this challenging time, we pray to Allah The Most Merciful to bestow His immense mercy and protection upon them and the earthquake victims. We ask Allah The Provider to provide them with shelter and safety. We supplicate to Allah The Patient to give them patience in this time of great hardship.

We are asking the MAPS community to do the following to help:

  1. Reach out to Turkish and Syrian members of our community, convey your condolences and visit them
  2. Donate through one of the following organizations:
    1. Turkish Philanthropy Funds
    2. Syrian American Muslim Society
    3. Helping Hand
    4. Islamic Relief
  3. Ask your company to match donations to the earthquake victims
  4. Join the discussions at MAPS in the coming days as our imam’s and leaders talk about the situation and find more ways to help
  5. Make individual or collective dua’s for the victims

We pray to Allah to keep all of us safe and to alleviate the suffering of those impacted by this disaster.

Jazak-um-Ullah-Khairan / Thank You,

Mohammad Vakil
MAPS President