Announcing the Appointment of New MAPS Head Imam and MAPS Ambassador

Assalamu Alaykum,

We are very pleased to announce appointments of our Imam staff as follows, Insha’Allah:

  • Sh Mohamed Joban will serve a new role as MAPS Ambassador
  • Sh Adam Jamal will serve as Head Imam for our institution
  • Qari Aslam Acha will lead five daily prayers at MAPS Redmond

This change recognizes the needs of our growing community at a time that has been challenging for all of us and sets growth paths for our dear Imams.  The new roles and responsibilities will Insha’Allah benefit the community while recognizing the tremendous value that our Imams bring as pillars of our organization.

Sh. Mohamad Joban

As MAPS Ambassador, Sh Joban will form connections with Muslim centers and institutions in Washington and around the nation. He will connect on a personal level with the many people from all over the state who constantly seek his guidance and his advice. He will travel to Islamic centers in Washington and reinforce our common bonds. He will also represent MAPS at national events and conferences. He has long established relationships with many Muslim leaders around the nation and will leverage this connection to bring our voice to the national discourse while bringing national learnings back home. Sh Joban will facilitate us coming together as a strong ummah inshaAllah. Of course, he will continue to deliver khutbas, khatiras and classes at MAPS.

Sh. Adam Jamal

As Head Imam, Sh. Adam Jamal will lead all of our other imams at our masajid in Redmond, Seattle, and Snohomish County and manage a number of PMs and leads across various programs. He will serve as the principal religious leader, scholar, and spokesperson for MAPS. Sh. Adam’s primary task will be to provide all spiritual and intellectual leadership to our community while ensuring alignment with the MAPS vision. He will have a number of responsibilities, from managing and developing our other imams, engaging our youth and young professionals, developing means to grow the community, revitalizing interfaith programs, overseeing educational strategies and ensuring consistency, and professionalism of our messages and positions. Our branch Imams, the Educations PM, the Religious Affairs PM, the IOC PM, and the Youth Directors will all report to the Head Imam. Imam Adam will work closely with the relevant board members and committee leads to develop strategic vision & plans to execute on.

Qari Aslam Acha

Qari Aslam will be leading five daily prayers at MAPS Redmond. In addition to his classes, including Hifz classes, Qari Aslam will take on this important role and lead our congregation in daily prayers consistently and with the discipline. He will continue to lead Tarawih and special prayers as he has done, inshaAllah.

We are truly excited about these expanded roles for our Imams.  They align well with our immediate and future needs: re-emphasize our spiritual foundation, provide professional services, and build a strong ummah coalition.  We will inshaAllah host a celebration and meet-and-greet on Friday, January 26, 2024 with our Imams, stay tuned for details as we get close. This will give our community an opportunity to learn more first-hand about their own plans in these new capacities. Our imams will be traveling over the course of next month one after the other, hence the full transition of responsibilities will complete by Jan. 26. Meanwhile, look for emails from them today as they talk about their new roles. We wanted to get this news out to you as soon as possible so you are as excited as we are about what’s to come for our community. 

As always, we pray to Allah SWT that He continues to bless our organization and that He allows us to deliver the message of His noble Prophet (PBUH) in this corner of the Pacific Northwest. We thank all of you for your continuous support, guidance, and advice.  We ask you to please meet and congratulate our Imams in their new roles the next time you see them.

JazakumAllahu Khairan!

Mohammad Vakil,
MAPS President
On behalf of MAPS BOD & BOT